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As with a low sucking sound it slowly disappeared again, Starbuck still gazing at the agitated waters where it had sunk, with a wild voice exclaimed—“Almost rather I had seen Moby Dick and fought him, than to have seen thee, thou white ghost!”
      “What was it, Sir?” said Flask.
      “The great live squid, which, they say, few whale-ships ever beheld and returned to their ports to tell of it.”

Moby-Dick, 1851


3-17-09  No one reads this column
Guys, FURL sucks. It has sucked for years, and I'm sorry I've been using it. I have switched over to delicious; I would have done this much sooner, but they made it really difficult the last time I tried.

4-21-08  Archives
Uhmm, apparently archives haven't really been working since late 2006. THANX for the heads up guys! They are temporarily fixed, and will stay temporarily fixed until I migrate to new software/layout. I have said some hilarious things in the last 7 years, that future generations will feel lucky I preserved. Go check them out.

1-18-08  new iPhone icon
Woah, it's been 3 years since the last news update! Fuzzysquid now has a webclips icon for your iPhone! It'll automagically show up when you add FS to your home screen. Atom and RSS feeds have been available for a few years now, but I never made special mention of it.

1-14-05  LJ images
Since it seems to be popular, and it's been linked in a lot of different places besides here, I've decided to post the LJ Images page. At least in the news, at least for now. It's also getting some Google ads because you LiveJournal people are sucking up all my bandwidth (35% for that one page!)

4-02-04  FURL
Check out what I've been browsing: FURL.net bookmark archive. Not much commentary, relevance, or sequitur—but it's what's keeping this blog from turning into a meme dumpster.



  1. TONMO - The Octopus News Magazine Online. Invaluable.
  2. Angrywhale - Meet Leonard. He's an angry sort of whale.
  3. The Squid Blog - From the Laughing Squid people.


  4. Moxyberry - Where the cousin is at. Her bookmarks here.
  5. Cranky User - Brian's bookmarks. Updated, unlike his site.
  6. Rosenstock - Her other ride is your mom.
  7. Lauren - Wet Hot Singaporean Blogging.
  8. Universal Donor - Like the prime number shitting bear, but with terrible back pain.
  9. Olivia - Who receives special dispensation from our usual policies.
BLAG  read the archive

Friday, September 29, 2006
dannyboy 4:59 PM (0)



As if flying wasn't retarded enough already. If that happened to me I would've demanded the captain turn the plane around, just to see him explain why he wasted everyone's time and the airline's money. And instead of apologizing, they issue that "our rules apply equally to everyone" bullshit. Insane.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
dannyboy 10:58 AM (0)



Balem: i had a dream last night that i was at some party with this tall, handsome guy
Balem: he was pretty good looking
me: HA
Balem: and we were dancing
Balem: and everybody was jealous
Balem: :)
Balem: it was a nice dream
me: we always dream about what we don't have
me: last night I dreamed my plant was all green and healthy

Monday, September 25, 2006
dannyboy 9:40 AM (1)



This cultural mindset about helping rather than outlawing the homeless is one of the reasons I think it'd be interesting to live in a European or Scandinavian country someday.


When I was in school I jokingly lamented the inability of designers to be crooked, the way engineers, architects and a lot of other professions can. I was willing to sell out my ethics for a payoff! But a poorly designed train schedule isn't going to hurt anyone, so no one is willing to pay for it. Well, you know what I'm saying.

Then today on my way to work I thought about the people who designed the bus shelters in San Francisco—they have flippy seats (like in stadiums, except they're just a very narrow, flat slab) to prevent homeless people from sleeping on them. Yes, perhaps there are other considerations, but American society is one in which designers actually are paid to be unethical. Like the famous IDEO shopping cart design that makes it useless for homeless people to steal, and the subsequently produced, much less elegant version we actually see in supermarkets today. I understand that shopping carts are expensive, ludicrously so, but Americans live in a place that has outlawed destitution, and is actively designing away (trying to, anyway) the existence of undesirables. Contrast this with the Cafe Gulliver project (terrible English translation here) in which a group of students from the Köln International School of Design set out to redesign a train station bathroom. Their research led them to conclude that the main users of the incredibly disgusting facility were tourists and the homeless; their response was to create Cafe Gulliver, where it offers the homeless low-cost food, showers, washing machines, internet access and a mailing address. Oh right, and dignity. They also, are trying to design away homelessness. I think their approach will work better in the long run.

Dostoevsky said that the degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons; I seem to remember something Jesus said about being judged by how we treat the least among us. Can you imagine anything like that happening in a NYC subway station? I think designers are often the only ethical voice in the business process, and we actually do have the obligation not to be crooked, just as engineers have the obligation to build bridges that don't collapse and kill people. So again I lament being a pixel pusher, but now for the opposite reason—it's not easy to change the world with visual design.

Saturday, September 23, 2006
dannyboy 10:54 PM (2)



don't you mean you like to "mispernounce" things?


Didn't you minor in fake Icelandic?


I like to mispronounce things.

Friday, September 22, 2006
dannyboy 12:22 PM (0)



Dear Jackass. You're wearing too much cologne. Yes YOU. Ok, show of hands: boys in the audience, how many of you wear cologne? Right, everyone with their hands raised right now, YOU are wearing too much.

If I can smell you, and I'm not within 2cm of you, you are wearing too much. YOU STINK. QUIT IT.

Girls, for some reason, usually understand that scent is a very intimate thing, and that you shouldn't be able to smell each other unless you're about to snog. If you grew up without sisters to tell you that you stink, and show you how to properly put that stuff on, your license to apply smells to yourself is hereby revoked. UGH.

Sunday, September 17, 2006
dannyboy 2:49 PM (0)



I just wanted to report back on this post regarding bacon-fat mayonnaise (or more accurately, bacon aioli). My god. I burned the bacon, and accidentally spilled too much sherry vinegar into the mayo, but despite my ham handedness in the kitchen, it was the BEST BLT I'VE EVER HAD. Admittedly, this was as much to do with the heirloom tomatoes I used as it was the mayo, but golly. Next time, I'm reducing the vinegar portion & upping the bacon fat to olive oil ratio, and lo, there will be great rejoicing.

Thursday, September 14, 2006
dannyboy 4:09 PM (3)



Obama & Clinton...maybe? I might even have to come out and vote for that one.


Hilary is so bleh. She's a hardened politician (of the nuclear bunker variety), and could undoubtedly handle the office, but she's just so... bleh. She's entirely opinion poll driven.

Obama/Gore '08 would be my dream come true.


Gore would be interesting. Certainly a good choice, especially around his recent environmental concerns.


Obama '08 Please please please please please please

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
dannyboy 11:43 AM (1)



People. I just found out that in the U.S. 5 drinks in one day is considered "binge drinking" ! God bless those drunken Australians.


Moderate Drinkers End Up Better Thinkers And the best part is they define "moderate" as 14-28 drinks per week! YES!!
*Disclaimer: the study was done at an Australian university, so...

Monday, September 11, 2006
dannyboy 2:44 PM (1)



IT's like getting women lessons on how to fuck or something... the commercial on that site is nothing but sex based it seems (although I wanted it with the sound off).

In conclusion. I love it!!


You all need to go out and get this straight away. Everything about it is brilliant, from the internet-enabled name (circa 1999), to the tassles on the hips of the cowgirl exercise outfits.

Sunday, September 10, 2006
dannyboy 11:08 PM (1)



I too was back a while ago and was sad. But no becasue I missed CMU (which I still have issues with), but I miss the energy and creative nature of a studio, and being able to work with friends that also loved design vs. people who just want a job to earn money.

I hope one day I find a job where people are that way again.

I have no idea what you're talking about being detached...unless it's the way you use big words and vague statements.


Joanne said that she tried to read my website some time ago but only understood half of the posts. I went from being very open 5 and a half years ago (yes I've been writing that long, and yes, I was totally there before it was cool and all you jerks jumped on the bandwagon) to being mostly detached these days.

I just flew back from Pittsburgh, and I stopped by the campus while I was there. Earlier today I was standing in the room where I decided it would be a good idea to buy "fuzzysquid.com". A lot has changed there, but even more hasn't. It will have been almost 10 years since I first stepped foot in that place, and this has been weighing heavily on my mind the last few weeks. I felt a lot of melancholy, being back. Which is why I made the visit brief. I drove by my old apartment, which has since burned down, but I didn't stop and get out.

The corner store where I used to buy cigarettes and condoms is now a Saab dealership.

I drove by all these apartment buildings and thought about all the people I knew who lived in them. ("Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.") I thought things like: I should have gone over there to use her record player like she said I could.

Fuzzysquid Design is copyright © 1961 Josef Müller-Brockman / weblog by / atom + rss